Newt Gingrich , 12/19/11
Jon Huntsman, Jr., 12/20/11
Willard Mitt Romney, 12/21/11
Rick Perry, 12/23/11
Herman Cain, 12/25/11
Rick Santorum, 12/28/11
Ron Paul, 12/31/11
Newt Gingrich , 12/19/11
Jon Huntsman, Jr., 12/20/11
Willard Mitt Romney, 12/21/11
Rick Perry, 12/23/11
Herman Cain, 12/25/11
Rick Santorum, 12/28/11
Ron Paul, 12/31/11
There is a typo. It’s Zacchaeus
Thanks, corrected.
Matt – some research indicates that Sam Adams was moved and called or at least strongly motivated by his God. See
So perhaps both Bachmann and Adams occupy the intersection of the three sets. 🙂
Another typo: It’s Michele Bachmann, with one l.
Thanks. Good catch. Now corrected.
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